Date of update: 5/15/2011
XML Socket Server - eClever
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Running of the XML Socket Multiuser Server  - eClever embed
It is a classical Win32 application that can be run in Win98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista. This version is a good solution to run the XML Multiuser Server - eClever from a CD, DVD or any portable devices such as flash memories. You can simply distribute the XML Multiuser Server - eClever together with your applications.

If you run the XML Multiuser Server-eClever from a CD, DVD or read only devices you have to, of course, set the attributes isLogging="False" and isLoggingMsg="False" in the section logging. If you use any XTRA you have to secure that they do not write down on read only devices.

Installation of the XML Socket Multiuser Server - eClever embed for work on a local computer.
1. Create a folder you want to place the XML Socket Multiuser Server to.
2. Unzip to this folder.
3. Run the file eClever_embed.exe.

The XML Socket Mutliuser Server embed is, after having been run, located in the tray area.

By clicking on the icon you can screen the window of the server and consequently work with it.

Uninstallation of the XML Socket Multiuser Server - eClever embed
Delete the folder where the XML Socket Multiuser Server was placed.

Running of the XML Multiuser Server - eClever embed from another application
Simply run the file eClever_embed.exe.
Delphi: WinExec(PChar('eClever_embed.exe'), sw_show)
Director: open the pathName & "eClever_embed.exe"

Hidden running of the XML Multiuser Server - eClever embed
Simply run the file eClever_embed.exe with parameter h.
Delphi WinExec(PChar('eClever_cd.exe h'), sw_show)
Director: open the pathName & "eClever_embed.exe h" 

Closure of the XML Multiuser Server - eClever embed from another application
Simply run the file eClever_embed.exe with parameter q.
Delphi WinExec(PChar('eClever_cd.exe q'), sw_show)
Director: open the pathName & "eClever_embed.exe q"

Licence conditions for distribution of the XML Multiuser Server - eClever embed
The demo version can be distributed without any limitations. For the paid version you are not allowed to distribute eClever.config because it contains the section <licence/>, where your registration data is kept and by its distribution you would infract the licence agreement. In this case you have to encrypt eClever.config using the tool eCleverGuard and distribute simplified eClever.config as well as the encrypted file eClever.enc.

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